Juicing is a delicious and healthy way to lose weight
Juicing regularly will help you lose weight, give you more energy and a help you feel young and vital again! Juicing is great for the entire family. These fresh juices will help improve digestion and absorption of nutrients from the vegetables and fruits. They will also help boost your immune system.
Juicing is a safe and natural way to gently detoxify your body and lose weight
On average we have at least 5-10 pounds of toxins that have accumulated in our body. We are all exposed to toxins every day in the air we breathe, the water we drink and the food we eat. These unhealthy toxins can prevent you from feeling and looking your best. It’s impossible to avoid exposure to toxins; however, regular juicing can help remove these toxins from your body safely.
What kind of Juice Machine Should You Use
The type of juicer you use is important. There are several types of juicing machines available, including centrifugal juicers, masticating juicers, and triturating juicers.
Centrifugal Juicers are the most common and are typically more affordable, but they can produce a lower yield of juice and may not be as efficient at juicing leafy greens.
Masticating Juicers work at a slower speed, which can help preserve more nutrients in the juice, but they are typically more expensive than Centrifugal juicers. This type of Juicer uses a rotating stainless steel auger to extract juice by crushing and pressing the fruit and veggies through a filter. This process will help prevent the live enzymes in the fresh fruits and vegetables from being destroyed, resulting in fresher-tasting juices.
Triturating Juicers are the most expensive option but can produce the highest quality juice with the most nutrients retained. They use twin stainless steel interlocking gears (augers) to grind produce between them at a slower RPM than singer auger masticating juicers, providing the most thorough and efficient extraction process. (Note: technically, Twin Gear Juicers are still considered Masticating Juicers.)
Why go to the trouble of juicing … why not just buy juice from the grocery store?
The commercially prepared juice you buy from the store has lost most of its nutritional value because it has been processed and also might contain harmful preservatives. If it’s not organic juice, then it will also be exposing you to pesticides. Fresh fruits and vegetables provide your body with essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and live enzymes.
The best way to give your body these essential nutrients is through juicing fresh fruits and vegetables. Juice organic fruits and vegetables that are available in your area to reduce your exposure to pesticides.
Follow these juicing recipes for weight loss to shed those extra pounds and feel wonderful
When losing weight, it’s important to avoid eating sugar including fruit with high sugar content. Our juicing for weight loss recipes include vegetables, leafy greens and fruits that have low sugar content (low glycemic index). The sweet taste of the vegetables in our juices makes them delicious.
Juicing will help give you more energy, lose weight and feel young and vital again.
For the most benefit, you should drink your freshly made juice as soon as possible after juicing. If need be, the juice can be stored in the refrigerator, covered for a few hours.